Praise You the Exhibition featuring work by Gina Kiel

A celebration of female bodies, art and their support of each other.

It’s a body of work with the power to make a difference. This September, aMBUSH Gallery and Lusid Art illuminate the complex subject of women’s body image, self-confidence and comparison, when one of Australia’s largest female group shows is unveiled; ‘Praise You’, proudly supporting The Butterfly Foundation.

“I created these little paintings of parts of the female form dissected to show the internal light being within. Female bodies are ultimate not because they define us by the way they look externally but because they contain the strongest connection to consciousness that we can access in the human experience.” Gina Kiel

Internal light by Gina Kiel

Internal light by Gina Kiel


Friday 8 September, 6-9 pm @ambushgalleryWaterloo
Curated by @lusidart
