Love always wins...torched car became a beacon of love, light and hope.

In early May 2020, the Mini Cooper belonging to local residents in Cape Town’s suburb of Mouille Point was set alight. The vandalism was a culmination of many attempts to stop Peter and Lesley Wagenaar from providing food to homeless and vulnerable people during the height of the covid-19 pandemic.

Rather than deterring the Wagenaars (who continued to provide daily home cooked meals, made with love), the Mini Meltdown became a beacon of love, light and hope that communities can work together in a crisis. Instead of stopping people from giving, it inspired others who were similarly called to provide aid for those less fortunate through the Covid-19 pandemic.


Love always wins.

Alicia McFadzean (artist Cheeky Observer) was commissioned to transform the exterior of the Mini into an artwork reflective of this message.

In its new life, it will function as a mobile artwork; a medium for conflict resolution and a vehicle to raise funds for social welfare enhancing projects.
