Sky Bending with Daniel O'Toole

It’s always a treat to see a new style of Street Art emerging on streets. If you have been following Daniel O’Tooles practice this image will be familiar to you, its the canvas of a large scale wall that’s really exciting.

We asked Daniel to share with us the progression and process this work has taken, read below his statement.


My new mural piece on Barry Street in Northcote / Melb is the first of its kind. I have been working with video pieces and sculptural installations in the studio but I hadn't transcribed any of the video stills onto a wall until now. It's been interesting to see how the feeling of the screen still comes through and the video reference is less abstract than I had expected it would be. The scale and the format is really satisfying, I chose this wall as it had a texture that reminded me of film grain and the white space was a perfect frame for the panel, making it feel like a canvas hanging in a gallery.

Daniel O’Toole

See below the video work 'Sky bending' that this painting was taken from


The Queen's Gambit - It's an entire world of just 64 squares.

A series of mosaic portraits of Beth Harmon by Charis Tavis, aka Anya Taylor-Joy, made out of chess symbols. A self-initiated project honoring a good book, an interesting mini-series, and of course, a fantastic game.

It's an entire world of just 64 squares.

— Beth Harmon

Read below in Charis’ words

The Queens' Gambit is, without doubt, the tv series hit of 2020. A year like no other showed us many unknown and unexpected parts of the human soul, identity, and behavior. Beth Harmon is a heroine that many could relate to, and chess is the platform on which many psychological and sociological schemes can be applied. In 2020 every one of us had to play a strange chess game against the coronavirus pandemic. It's an ongoing game with many different challenges, unknown moves, obvious and not so apparent strategies, dilemmas, and complications. This game against an invisible enemy has shaped our lives and showed us our limitations. Finally, it gave us an ultimate chance to rethink ourselves and our civilization.

I have created these series as a side project the last months. I wanted to build my mosaics on a simple checkerboard with a limited color palette stolen by the mini-series.


Bloodsuckers by Steven Noble

The Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada commissioned Steven Noble to render three separate illustrations for their ‘Bloodsuckers’ campaign. The illustrations include a Dracula/Vampire, Chupacabra and Yara-Ma-Yha-Who and were used in posters at the Royal Ontario Museum and rendered in a traditional line art / engraving style to fit with the myth/legend (vampires, ancient bloodsucking gods, etc.) component of the exhibition with the real-life facts (lampreys, leeches, oxpecker bird, etc.).

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Kim injects heart and soul into The Big Giveback for Asahi

Kim Siew teamed up with The Kinetic Agency to tell the story of the charities Asahi’s The Big Giveback campaign are supporting. These beautiful little animations are full of heart and soul with thanks to Kim.

Now more than ever, Australians need our help. That’s why Asahi Lifestyle Beverages and participating customers are jointly donating 10c from each eligible bottle sold to The Smith Family, OzHarvest, Whitelion or APCO Foundation.

By being a part of THE BIG GIVEBACK today, you’re helping to make a real difference.

The APCO Foundation have donated over $750,000 back into the community over the past 7 years.

The APCO Foundation have donated over $750,000 back into the community over the past 7 years.

OzHarvest is Australia’s leading food rescue organisation, with a driving purpose to Nourish Our Country.

OzHarvest is Australia’s leading food rescue organisation, with a driving purpose to Nourish Our Country.

The Smith Family – Australia’s leading children’s education charity.

The Smith Family – Australia’s leading children’s education charity.

Whitelion is a non-profit youth organisation with a vision for a world where ‘no young person is left behind’.

Whitelion is a non-profit youth organisation with a vision for a world where ‘no young person is left behind’.


Burwood Seasons Greetings by Kim Siew

Kim knows how to bring the warmth and welcoming vibes which is why we knew to connect her with Burwood Council to create End of year flags showcasing an inclusive message to all of the cultures that reside in the area.

Kims favourite part of the job was learning new words in different languages!

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Xoe Hall - with dreams of a better and more sustainable future.

Xoe Hall paints a killer homage KA MUA, KA MURI - Commissioned by COCA Massey, 2020

A story mural that was designed after the nation wide Covid lockdown with dreams of a better and more sustainable future for our people and our land in mind.

I think it is important to go back to the beginning, back to our roots, to find the pieces of the future we want to build. And in the beginning there was complete darkness. Darkness caused by the greatest love there ever was!


In order of appearance from the Gym wall to the School facing wall;

RANGINUI and PAPATŪĀNUKU held each other so tight, no light could get in. But, like all tragic love stories, they were eventually separated forever by their sons, and today we bask in the sun.


HIWA-I-TE-RANGI, a star of Matariki, is the one we send our wishes and intentions to for the year to come. Well 2020 has turned the world on its head so let's start again. I wish we all do a lot better for the planet and each other.


HINE-NUI-TE-PŌ, the death of an old era, death to broken systems, colonisation, racism, sexism, slavery, pollution and everything else that is hurting the planet and each other. It doesn't work.


HINE-TĪTAMA , the flashing dawn of a new era! Let's take all that good stuff with us into the future like equality, sustainability, and kindness for a start. Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.


MAHUIKA, lights the way out of the dark with her firey nails glowing like torches. Fire to warm your bones and fuel your heart. Fire for the fiery! And as MĀUI found out, those who mess with ancestral fire, get burnt.


Love always wins...torched car became a beacon of love, light and hope.

In early May 2020, the Mini Cooper belonging to local residents in Cape Town’s suburb of Mouille Point was set alight. The vandalism was a culmination of many attempts to stop Peter and Lesley Wagenaar from providing food to homeless and vulnerable people during the height of the covid-19 pandemic.

Rather than deterring the Wagenaars (who continued to provide daily home cooked meals, made with love), the Mini Meltdown became a beacon of love, light and hope that communities can work together in a crisis. Instead of stopping people from giving, it inspired others who were similarly called to provide aid for those less fortunate through the Covid-19 pandemic.


Love always wins.

Alicia McFadzean (artist Cheeky Observer) was commissioned to transform the exterior of the Mini into an artwork reflective of this message.

In its new life, it will function as a mobile artwork; a medium for conflict resolution and a vehicle to raise funds for social welfare enhancing projects.


Campbelltown Mall Colour Injection

Campbelltown Mall asked Chulo Creative to create multiple murals throughout the centre. With a stella crew of artists and lots of late nights the centre has been transformed into a colourful space that brings joy to its customers.

Planter Seats painted by Bci Furniture

Planter Seats painted by Bci Furniture

Shout out to the crew that brought the lower level to life - Kim Siew, James Lesjak, Noni Cragg, Zoe Edema, Rosell Flately, David Cragg, Paul  Settecasse, Pabs Ferguson-Castro, Bec Aitken, Milo Ferguson Castro, Emily Bere, Sarah McCloskey

Shout out to the crew that brought the lower level to life - Kim Siew, James Lesjak, Noni Cragg, Zoe Edema, Rosell Flately, David Cragg, Paul Settecasse, Pabs Ferguson-Castro, Bec Aitken, Milo Ferguson Castro, Emily Bere, Sarah McCloskey

Ox King transformed the courtyard on the top level.

Ox King transformed the courtyard on the top level.


You Beaut! Bateau Bay Square Shopping Centre gets a new Mural

Throw back to pre apocalyptic COVID virus’s, and in between the world on fire and floods that smashed the Central Coast earlier on. Mural artist Chris Nixon flew over from Perth, smashing out an epic wall mural which weaved and splashed in and out of arches at Bateau Bay Square.

The coastal colour palette references local flora, fauna and textures significant to the area to weave a tapestry of colour and patterns through the lettering of Bateau Bay Square shopping centre.



The Molony Brother's - Art to celebrate the Land and Ocean!

The Molony Brother’s Grant and Russ have been in WA painting some beautiful works for Accenture offices- the murals are celebrating land and sea!


A modern feel good collaborative approach, Highlighting movement and interaction. Featuring the Forest Red Tailed Black Cockatoo,Western Rosella and Splendid Fairy Wren. Embracing the natural world with the built environment. Blue's represent the sky and all the life it provides. Browns are of earth colours and our connection to country. Travel lines and meeting places are shown with the white circles and lines. Our land takes care of us and we take care of all its living creatures. Goannas and lizards are one of the Noongar peoples totems.

Grant Molony


Nixon's homage to Richmond

Mural artist Chris Nixon’s new mural in Melbourne captures the Richmond area perfectly.

Set amongst the offices of DDB, Walt Disney, Tesla and a couple of quaint cafe’s. Three new murals came to life with mural artist, Chris Nixon. One being an impressive 11m x 6m masterpiece in the lobby of a newly refurbished office block.

A combination of bold graphic treatments with loose organic forms to create an abstract artwork taking reference from the surrounds of Richmond, Melbourne.

A refined and bold palette to draw attention and inspire closer inspection of the texture and detail. The curved shape balance with the strict and clean lines of the site.


Drawing inspiration from the Richmond area for the murals


Rhodes Waterside Shopping Centre Bloomed A New Mural

Rhodes Waterside approached Chulo Creative to curate an artwork to welcome spring - we knew Shannon Crees would blow this up! Using a combination acrylic paint and 3D elements Shannon created a celebration of spring with an explosion of colour and feminine beauty.

Shannon working away…she used a combination of stencil and free hand to make this lady feel at home.

Shannon working away…she used a combination of stencil and free hand to make this lady feel at home.

This wall was 4.5 meters high x 9m wide - using a scissor lift and ladders Shannon tirelessly built the work over a two week period in centre…what a treat for the customers to watch this unfold.

This wall was 4.5 meters high x 9m wide - using a scissor lift and ladders Shannon tirelessly built the work over a two week period in centre…what a treat for the customers to watch this unfold.


Insane typographic style of The Krank

The Krank is cracking!

His high contrast and unique typographic grunge style intrigues the eye as it eludes to some form.

Check out more by insane kick arse murals by The Krank


Lettering Mural - Know Your Worth

Alicia McFadzean AKA Cheeky Observer - has created a really sweet personal project - she describes in her own words below the meaning of self worth.

Self worth is one of the most precious things we own. Yet, it is also often the first thing that is willingly discarded in the face of fear; a program which society sang to us like a bedtime lullaby from the time we entered this world until the time we decided to wake up.

Our worth is the powerful seed at the core of who we are... it is all that remains when the masks, the dreams, the memories and the traumas have been stripped away.

It’s that moment when you have absolutely nothing left, except for the ability to say that you deserve everything.

The shift happens when you put the statement of how much you’re worth at the forefront of every decision, no matter how much life is begging you to cave in and take the easy way out.

And that moment when you take a stand is just a droplet. But over time the droplet becomes a ripple, and the ripple becomes a wave, the wave becomes an ocean.

That is the message I’ve come to learn over the past few years, and even more intensely in 2019.

I pass it now to you, with love and all the respect in the world.

Alicia McFadzean

Head to Etsy to get your downloadable print


Gentle strokes and wild feels with Yin Shadowz

Meagan Boyd AKA Yin Shadowz creates magical pictures that connect us to the story of the universe.

"I've always been interested in art that evokes the aura of something mystical or transcendent," Boyd says. "Many of the Surrealists and symbolist painters of the last century were interested in occult and/or spiritual topics, such as Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varos, and William Blake, to name a few. Seeing these paintings at a young age sparked my interest in magic."

See more from Meagan’s folio here


Steven Nobel is an Incredible Etching Artist

Steven Nobel has been creating etching art for 20+ years - truly honing the craft and precision of woodcut, pen and ink, traditional engraving and steel engraving styles.

Below are a select few from Steven’s folio, there are too many to chose from. To see more from his epic practise - go through to his folio here


Say hello to award winning illustrator Kirsten Ulve

Kirsten Ulve is an award winning illustrator and designer living in New York City. Her work has appeared on the covers of magazines, in international ad campaigns, on the sides of buses, on Broadway marquees, in animated cartoons and tv commercials, on children's clothing, and in the form of games, watches, and toy figurines around the globe.

We are very happy to have her as part of our team - see more of her work here.

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In The Air With Claire Foxton

Chulo Creative are stoked to have legendary Australian female mural artist Claire Foxton on board us!
